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We are able to supply you with an unlimited usage of these letters together with our envelopes for a twelve-month period for a nominal annual subscription. These are available in either a collection pad or A4 format for use with your word program. All payments received on these letters, whether paid to your office or paid direct to ours, are commission free.



These are sent on the same day requested, at a cost of $22.00 per letter, and are an inexpensive alternative to legal action. We will again contact you in seven days for your further instructions. Payments are commissionable.



Once an account is passed to us for immediate action, or we are instructed to take further action after the issue of a Final Notice, the account becomes commissionable.

Commission is charged on amounts collected and may also be claimed on, credits passed, returned goods or withdrawn accounts, depending upon the circumstances. 



The cost of a Business Name search and Company Name search are $33.00.



Once you instruct us to proceed with litigation a summons will be lodged at the court within 24 hours for issue. Twenty one days after service you will again be contacted for a check on any payments received prior to entering judgement. You are notified in writing of each step of action taken. A schedule of cost is attached. 





 - Current Company/Business Name Search

 - ACN/ABN Match

 - ASIC Company Document Listing

 - Litigation Check on Entity

 - List of Directors and Addresses

Contact us today

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone or email.

Our Address

1st Floor, 221 Queen Street 
Melbourne Victoria 3000 


Call Us

Telephone: (03) 9602 2100 
Facsimile: (03) 9602 3657 

© 2023 by Commercial and General Collections Pty Ltd

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